Time for a Change
The City of GlassI've planned on migrating my website, Thursday Friday Saturday, to a new content management system (CMS) for awhile now. I haven't been thrilled with the regular updates WordPress requires, and the user interface leaves something to be desired.
I had planned on using ExpressionEngine, which I use regularly at work, as it offers way more customization and flexibility - it's similar to a hosted version of DreamWeaver.
Then along came SquareSpace. Alan Houser, one of the best web designers in Indiana and a regular source of inspiration (check out his biz, Creative Component), turned me on to the service, which is fully hosted, quite customizeable, and user-friendly as heck.
So after half a day playing with it, I'm quite happy with the layout. Now to test a post creation and a photo gallery of my recent trip to Whistler and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, just before the 2010 Winter Olympics.